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101 N. 1st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003

Disclosure: The information provided by Timeshare Help Center, whether on this website, verbally, or in written format, is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Responses to inquiries, whether by email, telephone, or through reading this website, do not constitute legal advice, unless being advised by an attorney. Timeshare Help Center does not recommend, advise, or endorse the payment or non-payment of any financial obligations. As a client, you will benefit from the expertise of an attorney directly working on your case. If you are experiencing financial hardship and can no longer pay your timeshare fees, or if you simply want to sell your timeshare, you have the option to first contact your timeshare company to see if they offer a buy-back program or other solutions for those in financial distress. If your timeshare company does not offer a suitable program and you find yourself burdened with the timeshare and its ongoing maintenance fees, you may consult with Timeshare Help Center. Our team of cancellation experts is well-versed in the relevant laws and can assist you with your case.

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